Bruce Lee Stretching Routine
for Bruce Lee Flexibility
Stretching was a vital component of Bruce Lee’s daily workout. Bruce Lee understood that flexibility is useful for all forms of exercise, from martial arts to cross training, weight lifting to gymnastics, football to basketball, baseball to track, etc.
The Bruce Lee stretching routine was specific and regimented. It was a simple way for Bruce Lee to warm up, help prevent injury and increase his range of motion. Here’s a clip of a Bruce Lee stretching routine from the film “Way of the Dragon“:
Bruce Lee Stretching Routine Warm Up Video
The Bruce Lee stretching routine is, for the most part, still used by many martial artists and athletes to this day. Watch the Bruce Lee stretching video below and then read on for more details on different stretching positions.
Bruce Lee Stretching Exercises
& Bruce Lee Flexibility Training
Seated & Standing Hamstring Stretch
Raise one leg up on a bar like a ballet dancer. This stretches the rear thigh muscle.
Hurdler’s Stretch
This stretches the hamstrings and groin. The old-school version Bruce did (first picture) has recently been found to cause stress in the knee ligaments, so a modified version (second picture) is commonly used where, instead of assuming a hurdler’s position with one knee bent at a 45-degree angle behind you, you fold the sole of your foot on the leg you are not stretching against the inside of your stretched thigh.
Seated Groin Stretch
This opens the hips and stretches the groin and inner thighs. Standing Hip Stretch – This stretches the hip and buttocks.
OPTP Stretch Out Strap
This stretching strap delivers the benefits of PNF stretching without a partner. Includes a stretch strap exercise guide.
Standing Hip Stretch
This stretches the hip and buttocks.
Lunging Stretch
This stretches the hips, buttocks and front thighs. Step forward with one leg with the other back leg straight. Keep the torso upright with hands on hips.
Thigh Stretch
This stretches the large muscles on the front of the thighs. Grab an ankle behind you with the opposite hand and pull upwards. Use the other hand to hold onto a wall for balance.
Calf Stretch
This stretches the back of the lower legs. Similar to the lunge, but done against a wall with the back foot flat on the ground. Lower legs. Similar to the lunge, but done against a wall with the back foot flat on the ground.

North American Healthcare Foot Rocker
This stretching aid helps attain the optimal foot position for safe and effective stretching. One size fits all. It also relieves pain from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, ankle strain & arch pain.
Side Stretch
This stretches the muscles along the core.
Lower Back Stretch
This stretches the lower back. Seated on the ground with legs kicked outward, lean forward and use the hands to crawl as far forward as possible.
Bruce Lee Stretching Tips & Warm Up Advice
Warm Up First
Many people believe that stretching is the actual warm up exercise for their chosen fitness activity. This is not true. Before you stretch, do a proper warm up. How? Get the blood flowing by jumping rope, running in place or doing jumping jacks. Learn more Bruce Lee warm ups on the Bruce Lee Cardio Fitness page.
Stretch Early
Bruce Lee would start the day off by loosening up your joints and shaking off the rust. Your body will thank you for it later.
Hold the Stretch
Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Doing so enables the muscles to expand over time without injury.
Don’t Bounce
Bouncing as you stretch only serves to shock the muscles and can cause injuries. Overaggressive stretching can also send signals to the brain telling it to tighten up to protect the muscles from damage.
Oxygen and blood flow are core ingredients to muscle flexibility and stretching. Ultimately, oxygen fuels blood flow.
Develop Bruce Lee Flexibility! Learn Bruce Lee Warm Ups!
A note to our Bruce Lee flexibility readers:
Bruce Lee used a wide variety of exercises including weight training, body strength training, circuit training, isometrics, ab workouts, stretching, diet and cardio fitness. He used the best training equipment available to get that muscular Bruce Lee body in his classic martial arts movies. Bruce Lee’s perfect body, wisdom, charisma and kung fu skill inspired books on his life, philosophy & martial arts!
Visit the Bruce Lee Workout homepage for a complete breakdown on all the Bruce Lee training programs and Bruce Lee workout routines. Workout Like Bruce Lee!
Use the Bruce Lee Stretching Routine
for Bruce Lee Flexibility & Injury Prevention